
Mobile app that connects dog owners with dog care-takers

Product Design











Connecting Dog Owners and Caretakers

In the realm of pet care, Amble emerges as a beacon of connection. Our mission? To link devoted dog owners with reliable caretakers. But before we could embark on this journey, we had a crucial task at hand: getting dog owners on board.


Canine Needs

We dove deep into the hearts of dog owners, uncovering their desires and concerns when seeking a caretaker. Through interviews, we crafted a persona that embodied these insights. Armed with this understanding, we brainstormed features to address their needs, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Mapping the Path to Onboarding

Mapping the Path to


Mapping the Path to


With a clear vision in mind, we mapped out the user's journey from app download to account creation. Every decision and step was carefully considered, resulting in sketches, wireframes, and prototypes that streamlined the onboarding process. Our goal? To make signing up a breeze for every dog owner.

Crafting a

Trustworthy Brand

Our brand was designed to instill a sense of safety, friendliness, and quality. We aimed not to be the cheapest option but the best in care. The soothing blue tones, warm typography, and carefully chosen imagery conveyed our commitment to providing an elevated experience for both dogs and their owners.

Unveiling the Prototype

After tireless efforts, we unveiled a prototype showcasing the onboarding process and app offerings. Dog owners could now preview potential caretakers in their area before committing. This preview-before-commitment approach aimed to empower users, making it easier for them to find their perfect match.

Providing a Pawsitive Pre-Sign Up Experience

Our pre-sign-up app allowed users to explore what Amble had to offer before creating an account. By browsing caretaker profiles and initiating conversations, users could experience the value of our platform firsthand. This approach was backed by research showing that users were more likely to commit after receiving something of value.

Continuing the


As our story unfolds, we remain committed to perfecting the Amble experience. Through user testing and metric analysis, we strive to enhance our platform and create lasting connections between dog owners and caretakers. Join us on this journey as we pave the way for happier, healthier pets.


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